Monday 19 December 2011

Makeover Timee;D

I was browsing blogs the other day, and i came across one (I'm not gonna name it, thats just like publicing 'em) who did a whole "How to look like *Insert Star Here* on MSP" thaing andd im like "Why didnt i think of that?!" So then i started finkin, uhm what culd i do like that, which isn't copying- and i thought of this idea. Imma take ugly (NoOffense to the people i use- they have agreed to it before i do it, dont worry) looks and turn 'em into okay-ish or even nice-ish looks. Heres the first onee, andd i dont think she'll mind me saying who she is. Its rammybammy:

Temme what you think? (:

Friday 16 December 2011

Its officiaaal..ZaynMalik rocks;D

Okaay it might have been the different threats i said to diff people to make 'em vote fr him on the poll.. but oh well.. he still won;D

Read it&Weep Lime ;]

Won by 5 votes.! Buzzin' :')


Friday 18 November 2011

I cant believe shes my sister

Harry blegh styles? Try blegh ur face -.- Harry is the most fittest guy on earth because:

1. Hes not Zayn Malik
2. Hes not mnm
3. His hair is amazing
4. Hes totally huggable..
5. I actually have a chance in meeting  him

A very important life lesson, Made by limey

Sunday 13 November 2011

OneDirection <''3

Okk.. ii culdnt help uploadin this, they just rock 2 much (Cept fr Harry. And i say this only to piss lime off. But srsly.. what do ppl see in his hair? Makes him look like an upside down toilet brush to me  >.<).
Vote in the new poll who YOU fink ish da best. Pictures of em (If u hav no idea who 1D are) :

Zayn (<3) Malik:

Harry (Bleghh) Styles:

Niall Horan:

Liam Payne:

Louis Tomlinson:


Sunday 23 October 2011


So msp recently changed.. agen. Theres nw a "Club" option-y fing. Its only one per person, and only VIPs can make 'em but anyone can join 'em.

Me,Lime and someone2 have made one and they aree:

Mine: 'Mnmz's Club xP' (Yup v. original ik xD) -

Limez: "Panfu" (Only peepz on msp wid a panfu acc. Even though everybody on msp has one -.-) -

Someone2: "The Gangsta Club" (..No comment.) -

Sooo join if ya wanna and vote on the new poll fingz which one of ours is betah^^ 

-Mnmz x

Sunday 25 September 2011

Hiyah Its Limey :D

Hey guys new comp again,
My name on chat box doesnt show up as owner for som reason now..
So yeh i'll jst be xlimeyx
Anyway i quit msp cuz of its boring-ness
I will be on everyday just to check mails and spin ma wheel
Probably wont give up the blog though, mnm
might take ova it.

Thursday 15 September 2011

New comp..Again

Yaaay <3 dis comp
Im dressed as a dragon :D
Havent posted for a while so sowwe about tht :P
Nutella is amazing..i have no idea who said that it isent but idc cuz obviously the person who said no
has a mental problem :)

Saturday 10 September 2011

New comp :D

I love da new comp :D
Its a street comp blah blah..
Im ending the poll so i can add another one about nutella :)
Ok so yh.. heydude u suk :D
I dnt suk its jst becuz mnm probably bribed ppl to do it
An yh the twat won (Mnmz)

So new poll and byeeeee

Monday 5 September 2011

Poll Results

Its official...

Ishacool rocks
And MrLoverLover (*couff* MrCheaterCheater *couf*) suks.

The Poll results:

Whos your fave mviestar: 

Isha: 16
Bex: 9
Zan04: 6
TJ: 2
Lady z0z0: 1
MrLoverLover: 1


Ook so.. most people voted ishacool for favourite moviestar...sorry it didnt say tht somit happened :D
Anyway most of you got it so yeh :D
Ishacools ma fav <3

Here are the results:
Mrloverlover: 1
Bex: 9
Ishacool: 16
ZAN04: 6
Tom Johnson: 2
Ladyz0z0: 1

So yeh isha won by loads of votes

Anyways thanks to the 35 of u tht voted!

Next poll coming out soon :D


Sunday 4 September 2011



Wow compare my post and mnmz :D

Anyway yeah wat mnmz said init ;)
Oh and she missed out eddy cool
Bunch of bstrds -.-

Excuse my language little ppl :)

Oh and yeh im gonna quit msp soon any virtual worlds?



Cheating Stars Planet

Mrloverlover, Nightmare., SmileyLucy, Gangsta@@@, Posh04...

More and more peepz have been usin cheat engines these days. Espec afta a certain moviestar *Couff* Gangta@@@ *Couff* decided to be a help to the cheaters an put a utube vid of him doin da cheat. Im nt gonna put da link here... couz dats just advertisin cheatin. 

Todaii 2 guys randomly appeared on da front page of highscores, both of em on level 20. Thnk god MSP decided to make itself useful for once, and deleted their accounts. But seriously, this game is fast becoming a cheater hang-out. 

Theres no fun in going up levels anymre wen u know that you wont eva make it up the highscores list couz of all da hakers, cheat engine users, and shortmovies makers that are taking up the top spots.

I'm pretty sure that the minute my VIP ends Imma be off MSP like that! Anyone got any better virtual games ?? Pleasee say em in da comments below.. or jus mail em to meh on MSP on mastermind96. 

Thankyuuh (: 


Saturday 3 September 2011

New comp

So yh the msp awards comp is published..
I spent an hour croppin pictures of the comp clothes and everything to put on here but
they got lost in my very messy documents..
I hav pics in them of random guys that i dont even know :S (Mnmz told me not to write that because apparently it sounds pervy..)
The clothes are ok..the eyes are just wtf and animations r sik
Backgrounds r ok...
I hav no idea why ppl show pics of the comp on their blog everyone looks at the comp stuff anyway
So yah this is my really un-helpful post of the new comp :D


Monday 29 August 2011

Let me get straight to the point yh...

Eid Mubarak Blad xD

                                    - Lime Et Mnmz

Hiyah :D

Heyoooo. I havent posted yet so yeh im posting now...
I just realised the names for stuff on here that mnm did -.-
Oh and btw the ''Stalkers :D'' are the followers
Dunno what to say now so yh...
Oh yh some things might take a while to load i dunno if its just my laptop or somit but yah it takes about a min to load everything
Eeeeerm nufin to say so bye :D

Sunday 28 August 2011

Ellooow peepz an welcome to our blog. We took time makin this ya know so please take 5 minutes out of your sad, sad ( its a joke ppl, please dont cry) lives an take a look at erm all the crap lime made me post on this. You can find me, Mnmz, on msp goin by the username mastermind96 and Limez as xLimeyx

Soo.. Hope y'all enjoy da blog an we'll post again soon :D

-Mnmz x